Aude Silve
Aude Silve received her M.S. degree in “physics and biology interactions”, from the University of Paris 11, France. She then obtained her Ph.D. degree in the UMR 8203 CNRS-Institute Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France under the supervision of Lluis M. Mir. Since 2012 she works at the Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Her current research interests include effects of nanosecond duration pulses on living cells, study of transmembrane voltage and voltage sensitive dyes. Since one year she has been working on the application of pulses for down processing of microalgae, especially for purposes of lipid extraction.

Wolfgang Frey
Wolfgang Frey is Team Leader in Bioelectrics at KIT/IHM. He was an Assistant Professor with the High Voltage Institute at the University of Karlsruhe, focusing on on new pulsed power concepts, high voltage test engineering and switching. Wolfgang Frey received the Phd degree in high voltage technology and plasma physics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.He started with pulsed electron beam surface coating, worked on electrodynamic fragmentation technology and turned to pulsed electric field effects on biological material in 2001. He focussed on applied research on pulsed electric field treatment for bacterial decontamination and cell component extraction and on basic research for ns-timescale membrane-voltage-dynamics measurement. His current research interests include PEF processing of microalgae for efficient cell component extraction.

Werner Sitzmann
Werner Sitzmann graduated from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, where he conducted a chemical engineering study. At the TUHH Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, he gained his doctorate in 1986. Then he joined Krupp Maschinentechnik GmbH as head of research & development department until 1994. From 1994 on, he worked as CEO with NaFuTec Consulting GmbH in the field of feed and food, especially on the application of pulsed electric fields. After that, he joined BAHLSEN KG, Hanover as head of engineering and then came to actual company Amandus KAHL GmbH & Co. KG at Reinbek where he works as Technical Director ever since. In December 2008, he became a graduate “professor” at Technical University Hamburg-Harburg.

Eugene Vorobiev
Eugene Vorobiev is a Professor of the Chemical Engineering Department and a head of the laboratory for Agro-Industrial Technologies at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), France. His main research interests are focused on mass transfer phenomena, theory and practice of solid/liquid separation, and innovative food technologies (especially electrotechnologies). He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and is the author of 18 patents.

Giovanna Ferrari
Giovanna Ferrari is professor of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno. Her research interests are mainly focused in process innovation in the food industry and powder technology. She is author of more than 150 papers in the field of Food Engineering and Powder Technology. From 2006 she is leading the Consortium ProdAl scarl (formerly Center of Competence on Agro-food Production), which represents an interface between Research Institution and Industry with the aim of diffusing of the results of applied research. The core business of the Consortium is related to technology and innovation transfer to industry.

Javier Raso
Javier Raso is professor of Food Technology at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) where he also received his PhD in 1995. His areas of research are in the field of food preservation and processing by thermal and non-thermal technologies. Research interest is focused in critical factors affecting efficacy of technologies, kinetics and mathematical modeling, process optimization and mechanisms of action. He has been involved in a number of EU and national funded projects and is the author of more than 90 peer-review papers. He is co-author of the book “Pulsed Electric Fields Technology for the Food Industry.

Klemens Wassermann
Klemens Wassermann studied biology, microbiology and molecular immunology at the University of Vienna, from 2007-2008 he did his master thesis at the Harvard Medical School/Dana Farber Cancer Institute at the Ruprecht Lab on HIV-Vaccine development. From 2008-2012 he worked at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna on recombinant spider silk protein, wound healing and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. In July 2012, Klemens joined the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) Molecular Diagnostics group as a PhD student where he developed a novel sample preparation strategy for complex biological samples using electric fields. Now a group leader at AIT, his main interest is microfluidic electric field applications for cell lysis and transfection with a special focus on the electrode/electrolyte interface.

Cornelia Rauh
Cornelia Rauh is Head of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) since March 2013. Before, she was group leader of the research groups “Thermofluiddynamics of biotechnological processes” and “Computational Fluid Dynamics” at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). There, she received her PhD in 2008 and her Habilitation in 2013. Her research focus lies in the interdisciplinary field of numerical and experimental investigation of biotic and abiotic systems capable of flowing. This includes food preservation by high pressure processing or pulsed electric fields processing, generation and stability of food foam systems, extrusion processes, fermentation processes, analysis and design of (bio)chemical reactors up to bionic applications at a broad range of time and length scales.

Stefan Töpfl
Stefan Töpfl is Professor for Food Process Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück, Germany and Managing Director of the German company Elea, a leading provider of PEF technology. Formerly, he was Advanced Research Manager at the German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL). He received a PhD on food process engineering from Berlin Technical University in 2006. Afterwards, he headed the Business Unit Process Technologies at DIL working in the area of process and equipment design. He has focussed his project activities on process efficiency and targeted energy use in the food industry. Aspects that are also reflected in his teaching activities at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück or at University of California, Davis, where he worked as visiting professor teaching Advanced Food Processing Techniques.

Damijan Miklavčič
Damijan Miklavčič received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana. He is currently a Professor and the Head of the Laboratory of Biocybernetics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His research interests include electroporation-based gene transfer and drug delivery, development of electronic hardware for electroporation and numerical modeling of biological processes. During the last few years his interests overlap also with the use of electroporation in food science and biotechnology. He is the President of International Society for Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments (www.electroporation.net) and is actively promoting the cross-sectional research and application of the PEF technology.

Henry Jäger
Henry Jäger is Professor of Food Technology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. He moved back to academia from an industry position in Research and Development at Nestlé where he worked on process development in the field of preservation technologies. Before, he was researcher in the Department of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin where he also obtained his PhD and an Engineering Degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Food Technology. His research field covers the application of alternative food processing technologies for gentle food preservation as well as the targeted modification of food structures.

James Lyng
James Lyng is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Food and Health in University College Dublin where he is head of subject for Food Science and lectures in Food Process Technology and Food Physics. His scientific research centres on the use of emerging thermal and non-thermal technologies in the processing of foods. In particular he focuses on the assessment of these technologies for accelerating reactions and/or preservation while also evaluating their impact on product quality/nutritional value and more recently has started to focus on their evaluation for extraction of bioactive compounds from foods.